Electricians Melbourne » Blog » Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Melbourne, FL Homes

Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Melbourne, FL Homes

Mister Sparky Electrical Tech, Alex, speaking with a homeowner at her kitchen table in Melbourne FLAlthough electrical safety is important in all homes, it is especially important in places like Melbourne. The added humidity and coastal location can increase some risks.

If you are aware of common hazards, you can take steps to protect your family and property. This guide will cover electrical hazards and solutions for reducing your electrical risks.

Melbourne Electrical Safety Hazards

These are the top electrical safety risks for residents of Melbourne.

Overloaded Circuits

Every home has multiple circuits that deliver electricity to outlets. Some circuits may have too many fixtures, appliances and devices connected to them. When that happens, the breakers may trip more often. It may result in dimming or flickering lights. A faulty circuit can also overheat and cause a fire. If you notice discoloration near plates or outlets, you may have overloaded circuits. Spreading out high-consumption devices can help. For example, space heaters, air conditioners and electric car chargers consume a lot of power.

Wet Outlets

Moisture in the air can lead to dampness around some outlets. Electricity is dangerous to mix with any type of moisture. It can lead to electrical shocks, short circuits and fires. Electricians recommend using ground fault circuit interrupters in rooms with more moisture. For instance, laundry rooms, kitchens and bathrooms tend to have higher humidity. GFCIs are for outlets and have buttons that deploy when they detect current imbalances or moisture. You can also cover outlets with water-resistant covers. Be sure to fix any leaks that may leave water dripping near electrical outlets.

Faulty Wiring

Outdated or damaged wiring is a serious fire hazard. Older homes were not created with systems that can handle modern electricity demands. Insulation can become brittle over time. Wires can also degrade as time passes. Breakers that trip and fuses that blow frequently are two signs of faulty wiring. You may also notice a burning smell near a switch or an outlet. Sparking may also occur when you remove or plug in a device. If you have faulty wiring, an electrician will recommend replacing it.

Too Many Extension Cords

Using extension cords improperly can create safety risks. Many people use extension cords as permanent power solutions, and some people connect multiple cords to one another. Both problems can lead to overheating. Only use them temporarily, and pick extension cords with the right ratings for specific devices. Do not put them under rugs or carpets. An electrician can install additional outlets in your house if you do not have enough of them.

Faulty Appliances

Always keep appliances plugged into grounded outlets to reduce safety risks. Aging and faulty appliances can deteriorate as time passes. They become shock and fire hazards when that happens. You may notice overheating, sparking or burning smells if you have an appliance with an electrical issue. Unplug any appliance that you are not using, and do not use anything with a damaged cord. Licensed electricians can inspect appliances for safety risks and can recommend when to upgrade them.

Open Electrical Outlets

If you have small children, it is important to keep outlets covered. Curious kids often try to stick things into sockets and can get burned or shocked. You can install tamper-resistant outlets that close when they are not in use. Also, plastic outlet covers are simple to install.

Outdated Panels

Old panels may have insufficient amperage to support modern load demands. Some types of older panels are known for failing to trip breakers when there is an overload and can cause a fire. If you still have an old panel, consider upgrading it as soon as possible. Licensed electricians can replace old electrical panels with modern products that meet safety codes and regulations.

Dangerous Lighting Fixtures

Incompatible bulbs and fixtures are hazards that most people overlook. Bulbs with too high a wattage for a fixture can cause overheating or even a fire. Be sure to use the correct bulb wattage in any fixture. If you have outdoor lighting, check it for weatherproof ratings. This is especially important in humid places like Melbourne. LED lights are favorable for energy efficiency and longevity.

Neglected Systems

Many people focus on other aspects of their homes when they plan maintenance tasks. However, electrical systems need regular inspections. If your system has not been inspected recently, it is time to remedy that problem. Licensed electricians can complete inspections in a timely manner and tell you about any issues they find. They make recommendations that upgrade dangerous components, bring your system up to code and boost overall safety.

Exposed Wiring

DIY renovations often involve exposing wires. Also, there are exposed wires in some basements, attics, garages and other places. If you have exposed wiring, it is important to have an electrician fix the issue. In unfinished spaces, a professional can install conduit products to protect wires and minimize risks. This is especially important if your exposed wiring is in high-traffic areas. In addition to violating building codes, exposed wiring can increase fire and electrocution risks. Always hire a professional electrician to do any wiring work.

Protect Your Home With an Electrical System Inspection in Melbourne

Do you know what electrical safety risks exist in your home? Mister Sparky of Melbourne can help you discover any risks and address them. We have licensed electricians who know how to find issues and recommend solutions that improve safety and efficiency. Our team can assess problems with flickering lights, buzzing sounds, frequent breaker tripping and much more. They can handle electrical panel replacement, rewiring and many other service tasks. Also, they can explain how Melbourne’s climate may affect any issues they find. If you are experiencing electrical problems or have concerns, we will be happy to address them. Please contact us to schedule an electrical safety inspection in Melbourne, Florida.